Литургия в Ханое

1 июля Божественная литургия была проведена на приходе Филиппинско-Вьетнамской епархии в столице Вьетнама г. Ханой. Всего во Вьетнаме сейчас действуют три прихода: в Вунгтау (основной, службы проходят на регулярной основе), а также в Ханое и в Хошимине, на которых литургии служатся периодически. Окормляет эти приходы один священник – о. Евгений Цукало.

Литургия в Лавиге

1 июля в с. Лавиге (Тайабас, провинция Кесон) в общине в честь прп. Серафима Саровского была отслужена Божественная литургия. После богослужения епархиальный отдел по благотворительности и социальному служению провёл благотворительный обед для бедных семей и раздал продуктовые наборы нуждающимся.

Litia in St Petersburg

A cleric of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese performed a requiem mass at the St. Nicholas Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St Petersburg city, Russia. On June 25, 2023, the birthday and namesday of Anna Gavrilovna Telpis, a long-term employee of the Faculty of Church Arts of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, Hieromonk John (Gondayao) performed a requiem mass at her grave at the Nikolsky Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Graduates and students of the Academy remember Anna Gavrilovna as a responsible assistant on duty and a wise person who, because of her kindness and care, will forever remain in their hearts.

Liturgy in Bacoor

On July 25, on the 3rd Sunday after Pentecost, at the parish of St Nicolas in Bacoor city, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated. Services are held in the chapel, renovated with funds raised by Priest Siluan Thompson (ROCOR), who devoted many years to the mission on Mindanao Island, and now serves again in his homeland – in the United States, not forgetting about his spiritual brothers in the Philippines.

Construction of the temple

On June 22, 2023, the secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church – hieromonk Korniliy (Molev) visited the ongoing construction of the church in honor of Saint Thomas the Apostle in Kinabalan, Sarangani. In his visit, he thanked the workers for finishing the first floor of the church building and he also gave instructions for future work.