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Congratulations to the Patriarchal Exarch of Southeast Asia, Metropolitan Sergius of Singapore and Southeast Asia on the 50th anniversary of his birth.

Your Eminence, dear Vladyka! On this solemn day, when you celebrate your 50th anniversary, we cordially congratulate you on this significant date of your life. Having chosen the field of service to Christ the Savior, you firmly remain faithful to this path – thorny and narrow, but gracious and blessed. With your life, you show that there is nothing more important than the works for the benefit of the Mother Church, which you do with full dedication of your mental and bodily strength, with a sincere desire to bring as many souls to the Lord as possible and the desire to do everything in your power for the glorification of the name of God. We are glad to be your co-workers and contribute as much as possible to the implementation of the mission of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Southeast Asia. We appreciate your kind and sympathetic attitude towards us, fatherly love, understanding and condescension, and try to imitate you in diligence and responsibility.Your Eminence! On this significant day, we wholeheartedly wish you mental and physical strength, patience and spiritual vigor, well-being and generous help from God in fulfilling the important obedience of the Patriarchal Exarch of Southeast Asia. 

With sincere love and heartfelt appreciation for your unceasing care, Clergy, monastics, staff and the Orthodox flock of the Patriarchal Exarchate of Southeast Asia