Theophany in the Iveron parish

“The nature of the waters is sanctified today…” On the feast of the Epiphany, according to tradition, many parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church bless water sources. At the end of the service, the Great Consecration of the Ocean and the baptism of handmaid of the Lord Mary were performed at the nearest accessible place to Manila.

Filipino seminarian in Moscow

A new Filipino seminarian has arrived in Russia to continue his studies. Joasaph (Rolly Melano Nunez) has successfully completed preparatory courses at the training center of St Matrona of Moscow in Davao and was enrolled in the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, but because of the pandemic, he had to study remotely for the first half of the year. Now there is an opportunity to come to Russia for full-time education. We wish Joasaph God’s help in teaching the Russian language and theological sciences. We hope that having received an education, he will bring many benefits to the Church in the Philippines.

God is with us!

Hearken all ye nations, for God is with us!

Despite the fact that the coronavirus again mixed up our plans (half of the parish in Manila fell ill, the number of infections in the country reached a record 21800 per day, a curfew was imposed in Manila and Tagaytay), festive services were held in the parishes of the diocese, although with a minimum number of parishioners. The rest were able to participate in the joint prayer remotely – the service was broadcast from several parishes.

Help to the victims

Super Typhoon Odetta passed through the central part of the Philippines in mid-December, destroying Siargao Island, most of the islands of Bohol, Palawan, etc. About 400 people died. Hundreds of thousands were left without communications, water and electricity, and many without shelter and means of livelihood. It will take many months to overcome the consequences. The Department of Charity and Social Service of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese organized the dispatch of humanitarian aid to the victims of the typhoon on the east coast. Humanitarian aid was also sent by the parish of Manila.

Holiday in Tagaytay

December 25 – Christmas in the new calendar is the official and main holiday in the Philippines. In a country where 80% of the population are Roman Catholics, this day is preceded by long holidays so that believers have the opportunity to visit churches where special fore-festal services are held for 9 days. In our old calendar, on this day, we celebrate the memory of the great wonderworker St. Spiridon of Trimifunt.

On this day, the diocesan Department for Charity and Social Ministry held an action “Christmas Café” in Tagaytay: everyone who came to the parish of Christ the Savior on this holiday received a festive gift. Dozens of children and poor Tagaytay residents received a piece of festive mood and love from the volunteers of the FMI foundation.