Seminar on Catechism

The seminar on Catechism for priests of Mindanao island at the center of St. Matrona in Davao has ended. For several days, the priests studied how to organize a systematic catechization in their parishes. They also attended lectures on the history of Ecumenical Councils. During the days of the pandemic, meetings of the priesthood are especially difficult, so for the fathers it was also a unique opportunity to pray and, of course, to celebrate the Divine Liturgy together.

Memory eternal

In Mindanao, the leader of a mountain tribe brother John died of covid. He had brought many of his fellow tribesmen to Orthodoxy with him. Memory eternal!

In some unknown way, John became very fond of Orthodoxy and patiently waited for the missionaries for more than two years. After his baptism, he decided to donate the land on which his house stood for the construction of the temple and demolished his own house! A very zealous Christian. Remember him.

On August 10, a service for the departed brother John was held in Davao by Hieromonk Cornelius together with priests Joachim, Moses and Roman.

Due to lack of vaccines, the vaccination rate is slow in the Philippines, that’s why facing the new strains of the coronavirus, the authorities impose new lockdowns in Manila some other territories.

Charity mission in Quezon

The Department of Charity of our diocese has weekly outreach mission in Quezon province, 130 km from Manila. Dozens of poor people, mostly hungry children, are fed with champorado (rice dish) and other food and snacks. Catechetical classes are also held for those preparing for the Holy Baptism. After the miraculous healing after Baptism of one of these people many of them wish to become Orthodox.