Feast of St Apostles Peter and Paul

July 12 is the holiday of the St Apostles Peter and Paul. This is the patronal feast of the parish in Salasang (Arakan, Cotabato). The Divine liturgy was offered by Hieromonk Cornelius Molev, priests Joachim Gonzales and Moses Cahilig and deacon Nicolas Salgado.

Holy Apostles, pray to God for us!

Feast of the Heavenly Patron of the Philippines

July, 2 is the day of St John Maximovich, of Shanghai and San Francisco. There are two parishes in our diocese in his honour. The one in Kiamba (Sarangani) is the first parish of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Philippines. The divine liturgy there was led by priest Roman Buniel and deacon Matthew Sale.

The celebration at the parish in Kapehan, Santa Maria (Davao del Sur) was held by Hieromonk Cornelius Molev, priest Joachim Gonzales and deacon John Mahinay.

Happy Pentecost!

The Holy Spirit had come down to make people again one family, in God and with God.

On this great day one more family was born in our community- of Roman and Xenia. May the Holy Spirit grant them His gifts in abundance!

The Temple has been restored!

The works on the restoration of the church of St. Queen Helena in Little Baguio is completed! After a series of devastating earthquakes on Mindanao Island, this temple was partially damaged, like many other buildings in the region. With the help of donors from Russia and other countries, it was possible to carry out work to strengthen the structure of the temple with external reinforcement and restore damage. We thank all the helpers in this holy work. According to the architect who supervised the work, the temple is now ready to endure many such earthquakes. But we, of course, pray that the Lord will save the Philippine land from disasters.