Поздравление митрополита Павла с днём архиерейской хиротонии

Your Eminence, dear Vladyka!

We congratulate you on the anniversary of your personal Pentecost! 13 years ago, you were elected to the high episcopal ministry to be the pastor of pastors. And today it is impossible even to list all your labors in the field of Christ in the Siberian land. But they do not hide a burning candle, and 5 years ago, by the decision of the Holy Synod, the Lord appointed you to enlighten the distant countries – the Philippines and Vietnam. And we, seeing the good fruits of your deeds here, will exclaim with joy: “Such is the bishop befitting us!” You tirelessly call people to repentance, kindness and salvation not only by word, but also by life, faith, spirit, purity. You set a visible example and a model for your numerous flock.

Your Eminence, dear Vladyka and Father! On this day, we especially pray for you and wish you God’s all-powerful help in your episcopal ministry, joy in the Risen Christ, good health and long life!


With filial love in the Lord – clergy, monastics and laity of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese.