Articles and sermons
February 25, 2020 / February 25, 2020 by Антоний
To the Most reverend archpastors, honorable clergy, venerable monastics and pious faithful of the Patriarchal Exarchate of South-East Asia My beloved in the Lord! My sincere feelings and pastoral responsibility impel me to address you, my dear ones. The deadly disease is striking more and more people in another trial permitted by God on Earth. […]
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February 15, 2020 / February 19, 2021 by admin
For three Sundays we have been preparing for Lent of repentance, considering its biblical examples at the Liturgy. However, neither the story of Zacchaeus, who distributed half the estate to the poor (LK. 19: 1-10), nor the story of another publican who initiated the Jesus prayer (LK. 18:10-14) are as impressive as today’s parable of […]