Parish News
May 6, 2020 / May 6, 2020 by Антоний
Russia has experienced many wars, but two are called Patriotic. And if the war of 1812 ended on Christmas day, the Great Patriotic war was to end on Easter, so that the two great national triumphs coincided with the two main Orthodox holidays, reminding us of the main Victory of Christianity – the victory over […]
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May 3, 2020 / May 3, 2020 by Антоний
The feast of myrrh-bearing women is the day of all female Christ’s disciples who follow the Savior since His earthly life. Women served the Lord those days and did not leave Him even after His death; today they carry their heavy Cross with firm faith in the Risen Christ. In the gospel, there is little […]
April 19, 2020 / April 19, 2020 by Антоний
Paschal message from Mindanao
April 12, 2020 / April 12, 2020 by Антоний
Even with closed temples, prayer must not stop — otherwise there will be no point for the Creator to continue to tolerate the human race… Today in the Orthodox Church is the Entrance of the Lord to Jerusalem. This is the triumph of the Savior’s earthly life. After the resurrection of Lazarus, even skeptics believed […]
Даже при закрытых храмах молитва не должна прекращаться – иначе не будет смысла Создателю и дальше терпеть род человеческий… Сегодня в Православной Церкви – Вход Господень в Иерусалим. Это триумф земной жизни Спасителя. После воскресения Лазаря даже скептики уверовали в Него. Но мы знаем, что это был вход на вольные страдания. Великий вход на Литургии […]
March 22, 2020 / April 19, 2020 by Антоний
The Lord wants real repentance and sincere prayer from us. “My soul! The end is coming”, sung in the Canon of St Andrew of Crete. Unfortunately, we only wake up in times of great danger. That’s why sorrows are allowed. They are not always a punishment for sins, because the righteous also suffer. But suffering […]
March 16, 2020 / March 16, 2020 by Антоний
During the second week of Lent, Saturday and Sunday services were held in parishes in Ho Chi Minh city (Vietnam), Manila, Tagaytay, and Mindanao in General Santos, Kyamba and Cayupo. The parishes of GenSan and Tagaytay also held Lenten services with the Liturgy of the Presanctified gifts. General Santos hosted a meeting of the Sisterhood […]
March 8, 2020 / March 8, 2020 by Антоний
God is with us! The first Sunday of Lent is a celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy as the true faith and the only Church founded by God, Whose Image, as He revealed Himself in Jesus Christ, we honor today and forever. Festive services were held in the parishes of the diocese
March 6, 2020 / March 7, 2020 by Антоний
The first week of Lent is the strictest. In parishes in Manila, Tagaytay, Davao, and Vietnam, Lenten services were held daily in the morning and evening. From Monday to Thursday, the Great Canon of Andrew of Crete was read at the great Compline. On Wednesday, The Liturgy of the Pre-consecrated Gifts was celebrated. At the […]
March 2, 2020 / March 4, 2020 by Антоний
On March 1, Cheesefare Sunday, a Liturgy was served at the parish of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God in Vung Tau. Most worshippers have received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. On this day, the warden of our parish has a personal holiday – his birthday. After the Liturgy priest Eugene congratulated Igor […]