Articles and sermons

Beginning of our salvation

It is believed that the main holiday of the Most Holy Theotokos is the Dormition. But it is for reason that the Holy Church sings at the Annunciation: “Today is the beginning of our salvation!” And the whole life of our Lady is for this day. “The Word became a human being” is about today’s event. She herself prophesies about this day: “From now on, all generations will call Me blessed”
For 55 centuries, the Creator waited for this most honest vessel to become a part of the visible world to save it. He could have waited longer. This is why it is so important to understand that if it were not for the purity and humility of the Holy Virgin, we would still be living without the Savior (or rather, we would not be living at all). Because neither before nor after was there on Earth like Her. That is why we will always sing the Archangel hymn to Her:
Rejoice, Gracious One! The Lord is with Thee!

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