Parish News

Baptism in Kinabalan

On March 23, the 3rd Sunday of Great Lent, the Veneration of the Cross, the secretary of the diocese, Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev), celebrated the Liturgy at the parish of the Apostle Thomas in Kinabalan (Philippines).
Before the service, Father Korniliy baptized two local residents.
One of the baptized is the mother of a Filipino student, Joasaph, who converted to Orthodoxy 10 years ago.
Joasaph studied at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, and now he has returned to his homeland and works at the missionary center of Blessed Matrona in Davao.
Seeing his good example, his mother Juanita (in Baptism Johna) converted to Orthodoxy.
Congratulations to the newly enlightened on the sacrament of Baptism!

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