Parish News

Charity action in Davao

On July 23, with the financial support of the Russian Orthodox Church Synodal Department for Charity and Social Service, the parish of St Matrona in Davao city held another campaign to distribute food to two hundred of the poorest families of Barangay 9-a of Davao city. Each food set contained 5 kg of rice, canned food, and noodles. Before the action, the Secretary of the Philippines-Vietnam diocese, hieromonk Cornelius (Molev), spoke briefly about the history of the Orthodox Church, noting that the Filipino people once helped Russian refugees by accepting them on this land, and now the Russian Church is happy to help the Filipino people during the pandemic.
Davao city is under quarantine for the 5th month, many people do not have the opportunity to work all this time and, consequently, do not have the means to survive.

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