Parish News

Sunday of Veneration of the Cross

Today, the Catholic Philippines celebrate Easter. But today, the Jews also celebrate their Easter (the exodus from the Egyptian captivity). The Orthodox Church does not celebrate Easter together with the Jews, since the Resurrection of Christ was after the Jewish Old Testament Passover. In our calendar, today is the middle of Lent, and we remember the Cross of the Lord- “a temptation for the Jews, a madness for the Hellenes” (1 Cor. 1: 23). A temptation, because the crucifixion was an execution for the worst villains but the weapon of death became the weapon of victory over death. Madness, because the Son of God suffered for the people. Suffered for we can be saved and see this His Love for us forever. Love which “never ceases” (1 Cor. 13, 8)

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