Parish News

Liturgy on Tubabao

Telegram channel “Diary of a Filipino priest”

During this Lent we managed to visit the remote island of Tubabao, where St. John of Shanghai arrived with Russian refugees a few days before Easter in the middle of the 20th century, and where they found shelter for the next three years. We stopped at the cemetery near the island, where we prayed for our compatriots. And for the first time in many years, the Divine Liturgy was celebrated on the island. Together with Bishop John, Russian refugees built a temple here and regularly performed divine services. And so we partially managed to resume service. By the way, look at how wonderful the photos turned out. We were just filming a film about St. John there, and the cameraman said that it was quite usual to see something like this on camera indoors, but in the open air it was very surprising.

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