Parish News

Liturgy in the new year night

The Philippines celebrated the Liturgy on New Year’s Eve for the first time

Newly ordained deacons continue to undergo liturgical practice at the missionary center of Blessed Matrona of Moscow in Davao (Philippines), and serve daily at the Divine Liturgy.

On New Year’s Eve, according to Filipino superstition, many people make as many loud sounds as possible in order to scare away evil spirits. Because of this, of course, it is completely impossible to rest before the morning service.

So, the staff and students of the missionary center decided to celebrate the New Year in prayer to the Creator.

On the night of December 31 to January 1, the Liturgy was celebrated in the service of the deacons by the secretary of the diocese, Hieromonk Cornelius (Molev).

The parishioners also decided to pray at the New Year’s Eve Liturgy, wishing to thank the Lord for His blessings in the past year and ask for help in the coming year.

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