Parish News

Enlightened Vietnamese

On May 1, our Church was replenished with another soldier of Christ. Than Tri is a close friend of Savva, whom we baptized on April 8. Now the guys will come to the church together, participate in the divine service, and also communicate with their friends, relatives, compatriots and show them the way to God! We ask for prayers for the newly enlightened Simeon!

P.S. I asked him why Than Tri wants to be named after Saint Simeon, Bishop of Tver, and he answered me: “For the fact that St. Simeon was benevolent and kind to the oppressed and destitute, attentive to monastic and priestly rank, a zealous defender of the truth. The Nikon Chronicle tells us that this holy bishop was “good in healing and in the books of Holy Scripture; he was a teacher, a virtuous man who cared for the needy, widows and orphans, a defender of the oppressed.” I am inspired and I want to be like this Saint!”

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