Parish News

Feast of St George

In 1945, Easter fell on the feast of St. George the Victorious (Trophybearer) – the patron saint of Russia, Moscow and Marshal Zhukov, and this showed great symbolism, since it was on this day that the German command issued an order to cease fire on all fronts: the actual end of the most terrible war in the history of mankind ended on Easter with the Victory of the Russian people. On this day in Cebu, our compatriots, with the participation of the Russian Embassy and local authorities, organized an action “Immortal Regiment” in the form of a small car rally around the island. After the thanksgiving prayer to God for the Victory, Hieromonk Alexey, embassy staff and the organizers of the action – parishioners of the parish of the Russian Orthodox Church in Cebu – addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. The participants honored the memory of the leaders and warriors, and all those who gave their lives for us, grateful descendants.

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