Articles and sermons
September 4, 2023 / September 4, 2023 by Антоний
Stefan, a Filipino student of the St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, gave an interview to our correspondent. – Tell us, how did you get acquainted with Orthodoxy? – We are from the Aglipay Church (Independent Filipino Church. – Auth.). One of our priests converted to Orthodoxy. We, as parishioners, followed him, being baptized with the whole […]
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May 17, 2023 / May 17, 2023 by Антоний
My name is Stefan Bingkal, I come from the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, from the city of Kinabalan in Sarangani province. I have a brother and a sister, we are all Orthodox. In my city there is a parish in honor of the Apostle Thomas. Our parents were baptized there, and then we […]
August 10, 2022 / June 12, 2024 by Антоний
How a Filipino decided to be an atheist and became an Orthodox monk. Once upon a time, this Filipino student decided that he was an atheist and broke with religion. And a few years later he found himself in Russia and… became a monk! How is this possible? Yes, it’s just that one day he […]
October 6, 2021 / October 6, 2021 by Антоний
Features of the Orthodox mission in the Philippines. In 2015, TV channels showed more than 200 Filipinos being baptized in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and taking communion just on the shore during the Divine Liturgy for the first time. It was not the first mass baptism of the inhabitants of the island state. […]
September 7, 2021 / September 7, 2021 by Антоний
An Indonesian student about his spiritual path and impressions of Russia The tradition of education of foreign students in Russian theological schools has ancient roots. In the XIX century, Russia turned out to be not only the stronghold of Orthodoxy in the world, but also the center of church education. Since 1850, Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, […]
April 25, 2021 / May 25, 2021 by Антоний
The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem is the triumph of the Savior’s earthly life. They want to make him King, because He can Make Israel Great Again. So that they would not obey to the Romans but they would be paid tribute by the barbarians, as in the times a thousand years before. And […]
July 12, 2020 / July 12, 2020 by Антоний
Today, on the feast of St. Apostles Peter and Paul, we also commemorate St. Paisios of Mt Athos. A great Saint and miracle worker of our days (he rested in God on mount Athos in 1994), he left us many useful books. St Paisios of Mt Athos about reverence. It is a deep respect for […]
July 2, 2020 / July 2, 2020 by Антоний
Saint John of Shanghai (1896-1966) is our contemporary. He did not have the majestic appearance of a white-haired old man: small, ugly, with a speech defect, often in a crumpled cassock and bare feet. Some of the people around him were even embarrassed for “such a Bishop”, because he served in major cities: Shanghai, Paris, […]
June 14, 2020 / June 14, 2020 by Антоний
A week after the birth of the Church, we remember all its saints, for they are its fruit, the purpose of Christ’s saving Sacrifice, and the result of the work of the Holy Spirit. Someone may not like something in a particular parish (the parishioners are not saints, and the priest is not without sin); […]
Archpastoral ministry Articles and sermons
May 27, 2020 / July 8, 2020 by Антоний
Orthodoxy (derived from Greek ὀρθοδοξία – correct teaching, correct faith and glorification of God) – the original traditional Christianity founded by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Palestine, was spread throughout the world by his closest disciples – the apostles, together with their successors. This is the faith and the corresponding way of life […]