Charity works

The Department of Charity and Social Ministry of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese, together with the Sisterhood of Mercy in General Santos City, continue the feeding program for low-income families and those in need on the islands of Mindanao and Luzon, in the Republic of the Philippines. The chairman of the department, Priest David Grubbs, the staff of the department and the sisterhood regularly prepare dinners for those in need in the cities of Tagaytay, General Santos, Alabel, Kiamba, Santa Maria, Banate, Kinabalan and Arakan. The geography of social service within the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese is constantly expanding

Baptism in Gensan

In General Santos (Mindanao) a Sacrament of Baptism was performed by priest Roman Buniel. Taisya, Sofia, Mary and Michael entered the Holy Church

Sunday of veneration of the Cross

Divine Liturgy on the Sunday of the Cross, the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the parish in honor of Christ the Savior in Tagaytay, Philippines. After the service, families with children were presented with complex vitamins necessary for the proper growth and development of the growing body