Archpastoral ministry

Paschal Epistle of the Metropolitan of Singapore and South-East Asia, SERGIY to the Most Reverend bishops, clergy, monastics, and all the God-loving flock of the Patriarchal Exarchate of South-East Asia

Most Reverend Archpastors, Venerable Fathers, beloved brothers and sisters


On this bright, salvific and sacred day, I address all of you with this ancient greeting and congratulate you on the Lord’s Pascha.
Today our hearts are filled with inexpressible joy, because the Giver of life Christ not only resurrected by the power of His Divinity, but also abolished the power of death, destroyed the gates of hell and granted all those who believe in Him the opportunity to be with Him not only here on earth, but also in blessed eternity.
During the time that has passed since last spring, since last Pascha, people have begun to think more often about the meaning of life, about enduring values, about their soul, about God, and it is important for every believer to understand what the greatest event of the Resurrection of Christ means for him personally. We must remember that the Lord accepted the death on the cross and rose from the grave for the salvation of each of us, so that the light of eternal life might shine on everyone, that the joy of the presence of God and His unceasing care for us might touch every heart. We believe that this joy of being with Christ, Whom we have loved with all our souls, with all our lives, will accompany us into eternity, will become complete and never end.
I wish you all, my dear ones, that the wonderful Paschal light transform each of you and inspire you to perform deeds of love and mercy, so that you share this light and this joy with your family and friends, so that you overcome all difficulties and sorrows with hope in the Savior and confidence that we can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens us (Phil. 4:13).
Again and again I greet you with the feast of the Lord’s Pascha and proclaim with special feeling:


Metropolitan of Singapore and South-East Asia,
Patriarchal Exarch of South-East Asia

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