Archpastoral ministry

Miracle in Mindanao

On November, 13, in the church of St Serafim of Sarov (Makalangot, N. Cotabato), after evening prayers, parishioners found on 4 icons: the Savior, the Holy Virgin, St Joasaph of Belgorod and St Tatiana drops similar to oil. At first they thought it was water and wiped them off, but next morning drops appeared again. Not knowing anything about the miracle of myrrh-streaming icons, the parishioners realized that something wonderful was happening, and invited deacon Nicholas and priest Moses. The clergy carefully checked the icons and came to the conclusion that these drops could not have appeared randomly or from people. After that, they carefully collected the myrrh from the icons and reported the incident to Metropolitan Pavel of Manila and Hanoi. Having studied the phenomenon, Vladyka said that this is ” a Miracle of God, the Lord testifies that He is with us.”
Myrrh-streaming is the appearance on an icon or Holy relics of a light oily liquid of protein composition, often emitting a fragrance. The icons themselves can even be paper, as happened in our case. Note that the temple in Makalangot is the only one in the Philippines, consecrated by Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church (Metropolitan of Manila and Hanoi Pavel).

*Saint Joasaph of Belgorod (1705-1754) is one of the few saints of God whose relics and even Episcopal vestments are completely incorrupt. They are located in the Cathedral of Belgorod.

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