Archpastoral ministry

Online conference of the diocese clergy

On December 30, 2020, Metropolitan Pavel of Manila and Hanoi led an online meeting of the clergy of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese. Starting the conference, His Eminence expressed hope that next summer he will be able to visit the Philippines and Vietnam to continue the work of the construction of the diocese interrupted by the pandemic: the adoption of new communities to Orthodoxy, the construction of model churches and a theological school, the resumption of dialogue with the authorities of the Philippines, including a meeting with the President of the Republic. Vladyka mentioned that he personally knew the new Russian Ambassador to the Philippines, M. Pavlov: “The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and this is the will of God for the joint work of Church and state for a common goal.” Metropolitan Pavel also thanked Priest David Grubbs and the Department of Charity and Social Service of the diocese for their dedicated work during the pandemic. During the meeting, issues of current activities and plans for the future were discussed: preparation for priestly ordinations, translations of liturgical texts into local languages, cooperation with universities, the Bible Society and local radio stations, and other issues. In conclusion, His Eminence blessed the flock for vaccination against coronavirus and decided to hold an annual diocesan meeting online in February 2021.

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