Archpastoral ministry

Congratulations to the Most Holy Patriarch

On behalf of the clergy and flock of the Khanty-Mansi Metropolia, and the Philippine–Vietnamese Diocese entrusted to my care, please accept sincere congratulations and heartfelt good wishes on the occasion of your Birthday.
You were born in the pious family of the ever-memorable Archpriest Michael and the handmaid of God Raisa in Leningrad city, and you have loved the splendor of the temple of God and the beauty of Orthodox worship since childhood. Seeing your fervent faith and sincere desire to serve the Church, the Lord brought you to the Spiritual school of the Northern Capital of Russia where, under the wise guidance of the great hierarch of the Church, the ever-memorable Metropolitan Nicodemus, you took monastic vows and holy orders. And for more than fifty years you have been standing before the Holy See, offering a Bloodless Sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Giver of all good things, to God.
You began serving God and people at a time when the Russian Orthodox Church was carrying out its saving mission in difficult historical conditions. But the Lord gave you wisdom, courage and strength to worthily follow the difficult path of serving the Church.
Your Holiness! Now, with a sense of great responsibility, you are fulfilling the hard-working ministry of the Primate, to which the Lord has appointed you. By performing the Primatial ministry with great love and zeal, sparing no physical effort, you convincingly testify to all of us about the eternal Gospel truths, about the power and triumph of Orthodoxy, about the need to strengthen Orthodox unity. Your voice constantly calls people to live according to the commandments of Christ the Savior, to live and active faith, unshakable hope and sincere love.
Your Holiness! On this memorable day for you, we prayerfully wish you mental and physical strength, for the Patriarchal feat is possible only with the help and grace of God, for the benefit of the Holy Church and the people of God.
Through the intercession of the Queen of Heaven, may the All-merciful Lord keep you in health and prosperity for many and good years!

With filial love for Christ,

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