Youth camp

In December 2023, with the blessing of Metropolitan Pavel of Manila and Hanoi, in Kinabalan, Mindanao, the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese organized an Orthodox youth camp. The program of events included lectures on faith, as well as sports competitions and talent presentations. During the week, the participants expanded their knowledge of the Church, strengthened their ties and camaraderie. On Saturday evening and Sunday morning, the youth participated in divine services, during which they sang, read and helped the clergy. The camp ended with a Divine Liturgy led by the Secretary of the diocese, Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev), who was co-served by Priest Joachim Gonzalez and Deacon Juventinus Bulaqueña. We express our heartfelt gratitude to those who supported the event, especially the parish of St. Thomas the Apostle, Kinabalan, the LGU of Kinabalan and the staff of Salasang Elementary School, which served as the site of the camp.

Preparing for Christmas

On January 4, a creative evening was held at the parish in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Vung Tau: everyone worked on it! First, the parents brought fruits and sweets, made blanks for crafts, dough for gingerbread! And then the children were already creating – with burning eyes and even small hands, they prepared cookies and decorations for the Christmas tree. Such meetings at this parish always happen before Christmas, because everyone wants a holiday!

Parish meeting

December 27, in the parish of Kazan icon of the Mother of God in Vung Tau (Vietnam) a church meeting took place. The rector priest Evgeniy Tsukalo made a report on the life of the parish in 2023. Current issues and plans for the next year have been discussed then.

Priest of our diocese in Malaysia

On Sunday, December 24, at the Archangel Michael Parish in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, a guest was received – priest Yevgeny Tsukalo, a cleric of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese. During the Divine Liturgy, he concelebrated with the clergy of the temple, Abbot Pavel (Khokhlov) and priest Seraphim Choi.

” It is such a blessing that here, far from the Motherland, you can visit our Orthodox churches and parishes, pray together, take communion and feel oneself in communion with the whole Church! Thank God for loving us!” Father Yevgeny shared after the service.