Christmas gifts

The Department of Charity and Social Ministry of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese held an action on the eve of the Christmas holiday to distribute gifts to children from low-income families.

Bless, o Lord, the new year of Your grace

On the first day of the new year, on Sunday before Christmas, Divine Liturgies and New Year’s prayers were celebrated in the parishes of the diocese. The Orthodox Christians of the Philippines thanked the Lord for His long-suffering in the past year and asked for mercy for the coming year.

Liturgy on Phu Quoc

The first Liturgy on the biggest Vietnamese island of Phu Quoc was celebrated on the last day of 2022. It was performed on December 31 by Priest Eugene Tsukalo, rector of the parishes of the Vietnamese Deanery of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese. Believers who live on the island prayed during the service.