On July 16, the Secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese, Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev), visited the church under construction in honor of the Apostle Thomas in the city of Kinabalan. The Secretary checked the quality of the work performed, and also gave instructions on the implementation of complex structural elements that are not traditional for the Philippines. At the moment, work is beginning on concreting the upper armored belt, after which the installation of the roof of the temple with a tent and dome will be carried out.
Неделя 3-я по Пятидесятнице
Divine liturgy in the church of St Seraphim of Sarov, Makalangot
Крещение в Генерал Сантосе
An infant Joakim was baptised in Sarangani bay. He is a child of the members of the parish of Resurrection of the Lord in General Santos. The Sacrament was performed by priest Roman Buniel.
День Св. Апостолов
The feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul at the parish in their honor in the village of Salasan. The divine service was led by the Secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese, Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev)
Рождество Св. Иоанна Предтечи
2nd Sunday after Pentecost, and the feast of Nativity of Saint John the Baptist celebrated at the parish of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, Arakan, Cotabato
Литургия в Макаланготе
Divine liturgy in Makalangot, church of St. Seraphim of Sarov, on the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, of All Saints of Russia, of St. John the Baptist
День святителя Иоанна
On the day of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the glorification of St. John, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco, the Wonderworker, believers in the Philippines prayerfully honored the memory of the saint. A Divine Liturgy was held at the parish of St. John of Shanghai in the village of Kiamba, Sarangani, and a prayer service was held at the Holy Resurrection Parish in the city of General Santos. Orthodox Filipinos have a special and reverent attitude towards St. John – the saint, along with Russian refugees, was in the Philippines from 1949 to 1951 on the island of Tubabao. This was an event of exceptional importance in the spiritual life of the camp and the subsequent establishment of the Orthodox Mission in these lands.
Акафист Пресвятой Богородице
Every Wednesday a moleben with the Akafist to the Most Holy Theotokos is served in the parish of Kazan icon of the Mother of God in Vung Tau, Vietnam. This is already a tradition for many years
Поздравляем с окончанием Академии!
On June 28, 2024 hieromonk John (Gondayao), a clergy of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, had successfully completed his seminary studies at Saint Petersburg Theological Academy in Perfect Honors. He was also awarded the right to wear the Nabedrennik in recognition of his academic exploits. He will return home, to the Philippines, this week
Нераздельней Троице поклоняемся
Pentecost at the parishes of Luzon, Manila Deanery