Baptism in Kinabalan

On October 18, 2022, in the parish of St. Apostle Thomas in Kinabalan, 6 servants of God – Alpheus, Maria, Sarah, Julian, Theodora and Juliana – received the holy baptism. May Lord Jesus Christ grant them a prosperous and peaceful life, health and preserve them for many years.

Patronal Feast in Kinabalan

Today the Orthodox believers of Kinabalan prayerfully celebrated the memorial day of St. Thomas the Apostle during the divine service. The clergy of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese came to celebrate the Liturgy with the procession: Hieromonk Cornelius (Molev), Priest Roman Buniel and Priest Joachim Gonzalez, who spiritually nourishes the parish of the Apostle Thomas.

Outreach to Quezon

After long time we finally arrived at our beloved Saint Seraphim FMI Quezon Province Tayabas Outreach….. From the pictures you can see the excitement we were greeted with…. it seemed the whole village came out to join the service we had, the prayers, scripture readings, music and singing, nutritious food and some special gifts… Everyone got prayed for and anointed with oil for healing (especially important in a location like this where there is no running water, proper toilets and lack of sanitation). This is the location where approximately 50 people committed their lives to the Lord and we are now planning a baptism service as soon as possible. Thank you Jesus, your mercy endures forever! ❤

Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos

On October 14, on the feast of Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, at the parish of Christ the Saviour in Tagaytay, the Divine Liturgy was served by the Secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese, Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev), in the concelebration of the dean of the Manila District, Hieromonk Alexei (Lapshin) and the rector of the parish of Christ the Saviour, Priest David Grubbs. The service was attended by the Russian Ambassador to the Philippines Marat Pavlov and the cleric of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, Priest Methodius Rafanan. In honor of the holiday, on behalf of the ruling bishop, Metropolitan Pavel of Manila and Hanoi, Hieromonk Korniliy presented the Ambassador with an icon of St. Alexander Nevsky, the patron saint of diplomats.

Feast of St John of Shanghai

October 12 is the day of the uncovering of the relics of St. John of Shanghai. This is the patronal feast of the parish in the village of Santa Maria (Mindanao). In honor of the holiday, a Divine Liturgy and a moleben with a procession were served at the parish. The service was performed by Priest Joachim Gonzales and Deacon John Mahinay.

Беседа секретаря Филиппинско-Вьетнамской епархии в МДА

Секретарь Филиппинско-Вьетнамской епархии выступил с докладом на курсе повышения квалификации преподавателей миссиологии.

В Московской духовной академии с 4-6 октября проходит курс повышения квалификации преподавателей дисциплины “Миссиология” в духовных учебных заведениях Русской Православной Церкви. Организаторами программы выступили: Синодальный миссионерский отдел, Учебный комитет Русской Православной Церкви, Московская духовная академия. В курсе участвуют представители миссионерских отделов епархий. Центральной темой курсов стало содержание дисциплины “Миссиология” с точки зрения миссионерских вызовов современности, методические вопросы преподавания. В ходе второго дня курсов были заслушаны доклады по вопросам апологетической и внешней миссии. С докладом «Миссия на Филиппинах» выступил иеромонах Корнилий (Молев), секретарь Филиппинско-Вьетнамской епархии. Отец Корнилий рассказал об истории возникновения православной миссии на Филиппинах и особенности миссионерского поля: «Филиппинцы очень религиозны, но сильна языческая составляющая, в частности т.н. «хилеры» (целители), к которым обращаются местные жители, так как платная медицина для большинства местных жителей недоступна. Особенности миссии на Филиппинах в том, что местные жители сами узнают о Православии из книг, через Интернет и просят о крещении. На Филиппинах живут еще люди, которые помнят или учились у русских беженцев, в числе которых был святитель Иоанн (Максимович), которые нашли свое временное прибежище в этой стране и построили несколько церквей».

Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev) met with students from the Philippines who are studying at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.

On October 2, 2022, Sunday of the Exaltation of the Cross, Divine Liturgy was held in St. Petersburg Theological Schools. Bishop Siluan of Peterhof celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the church of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian in the concelebration of the clergy of the Academy with co-celebrating First Vice-rector Archimandrite Sophrony (Smuk), Archimandrite Augustine (Nikitin), Abbot Emilian (Mrdya), Vice-rector for Educational Work Hieromonk Meliton (Pavlov), Hieromonk Gennady (Polyakov), priest Gleb Sanyuk, secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev) and other clerics.
On October 3, the secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese, Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev), met with students from the Philippines who are studying at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy.
Before entering the Academy, students studied the basics of the Orthodox faith at the Blessed Matrona of Moscow Educational Center in Davao, which is headed by Father Korniliy. The conversation with the students took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere and was their first meeting since their departure to St. Petersburg.

Feast of the Holy Cross

O Lord, save Your people, and bless Your inheritance. Grant victories to the Orthodox Christians over their adversaries. And by virtue of Your Cross, preserve Your habitation 🙏

On September 27, a festive divine service was held in Siniloan at the parish in honor of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord with the ceremony of the exaltation of the Holy Cross and a procession. The Divine service was led by the rector of the parish, Archimandrite Philemon Castro and the dean of the Manila Deanery, Hieromonk Alexey Lapshin. On the occasion of the patronal feast, a particle of the Life-Giving Cross was delivered from Manila.