Round the world trip of the icon of the Mother of God

On May 21, the icon of the “Intercession (Protection) of the Most Holy Theotokos” with a piece of the Robe of the Mother of God arrives in the Philippines. This icon has visited many countries as part of a round-the-world expedition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the great exodus of Russian citizens from Russia after the Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War of 1918-1922. The icon was specially painted for this anniversary and consecrated by the First Hierarch of the ROCOR, Metropolitan Hilarion. He, as well as many other Orthodox hierarchs, blessed the round-the-world relay of the icon for the purpose of spiritual unity of Orthodox brothers in the faith who found themselves scattered around the world. This journey began on September 2, 2017 in Moscow, and since then the icon has visited such countries as Ukraine, Belarus, Israel, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Egypt, Italy, USA, Argentina, Australia, etc. During the journey, the Holy Image was applied to many Christian Shrines on his way, including the Holy Sepulchre and the place of the Assumption of the Virgin (Jerusalem), miraculous icons of the Virgin and the relics of saints (Sergius of Radonezh, Matrona of Moscow Seraphim of Sarov, John of Kronstadt, Xenia of St. Petersburg, Nicholas the Wonderworker, John of Shanghai and many others). The icon will arrive in the Philippines accompanied by many shrines, including a particle of the Life-giving Cross and the relics of saints. The veneration of the icon and shrines will take place on May 22 at the Iveron parish. The beginning of the festive service is at 8 am. The next day, the icon and the shrines will arrive on Mindanao Island, where they will visit most of the parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church on this island within a week. On May 31, the icon will visit the parish of Christ the Savior in Tagaytay, and on June 1 it will leave for the next country. This journey around the Earth will end in Jerusalem with acceptance by Patriarch Theophilus III of Jerusalem, who blessed all those who go with the icon. The action is supported by the Foundation for the Promotion and Strengthening of Spiritual Unity, Religious, Cultural and Historical Values of Russian Orthodoxy in the Fatherland and Abroad “Under the Protection of the Mother of God”

Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

On May 9, at the Laitieu Cemetery (Binziong Province, 30 km north of Ho Chi Minh City), together with the Consul of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Ho Chi Minh City, V. Marikhin, flowers were laid and a funeral litany for the deceased soldiers was held. This monument to “The Russian sailors of the cruiser Diana who died in Saigon in 1905” was erected in 1995 in one of the old cemeteries near Ho Chi Minh City.

Building of the temple in Kinabalan

The Secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese, Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev) and Priest Joachim Gonzalez visited the construction site of the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle in Kinabalan. Despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic and the political situation, construction continues. Piles for the foundation have already been filled in, the slope of the site has been strengthened, concrete preparation has been carried out. Father Korniliy outlined the front of further work, clarifying to local builders, who are participating in the construction of an Orthodox church for the first time, the specifics of their implementation.

Feast of St George

In 1945, Easter fell on the feast of St. George the Victorious (Trophybearer) – the patron saint of Russia, Moscow and Marshal Zhukov, and this showed great symbolism, since it was on this day that the German command issued an order to cease fire on all fronts: the actual end of the most terrible war in the history of mankind ended on Easter with the Victory of the Russian people. On this day in Cebu, our compatriots, with the participation of the Russian Embassy and local authorities, organized an action “Immortal Regiment” in the form of a small car rally around the island. After the thanksgiving prayer to God for the Victory, Hieromonk Alexey, embassy staff and the organizers of the action – parishioners of the parish of the Russian Orthodox Church in Cebu – addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. The participants honored the memory of the leaders and warriors, and all those who gave their lives for us, grateful descendants.

Anticipating the Victory Day

A solemn event in honor of the upcoming Victory Day was held at the Russian Embassy in the Philippines on Radonitsa. This year, on May 9, elections of the President and other authorities will be held in the Philippines, so it was decided to celebrate the main state holiday of Russia on the day of the Easter commemoration of the deceased. The staff of the embassy took part in a thanksgiving prayer and a litany for the departed defenders of the Motherland.

Baptism in General Santos

On Bright Saturday, the baptism of new parishioners took place in Sarangani bay near General Santos city. The sacrament was performed by the rector of the parish of the Resurrection of Christ, Priest Roman Buniel.

Holy Fire

Ambassador of Russia in the Philippines Mr Marat Pavlov and his wife had even four times seen the descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem on the eves of the Orthodox Easter


“Glory to Thee, Christ the Savior, the Source of Life, who gave light to those who are in the darkness of ignorance and enlightened the whole earth with Thy Resurrection.” (Troparion of the Canon to the Myrrh – Bearers on the 3rd Sunday of Easter, ode 9)

Beloved in the Risen Christ, venerable fathers, dear brothers and sisters! Once again, we have been vouchsafed to reach the morning that knows no sunset, the Feast of Feasts and the Celebration of celebrations, the Bright Easter of Christ. Greeting each of you with unspeakable Easter joy, I address to you the words full of rejoicing: CHRIST IS RISEN! The Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, in his Word for Easter, profoundly proclaims: “Glory to God – Christ has risen from the dead; the Sun of Truth, temporarily extinguished and hidden in the tomb, has shone again and illuminated the whole world with cheerful life-giving rays…” And he continues: “Do you see, brothers and sisters, how all the tribulations, sufferings and death of Christ our Lord ended? By His glorious Resurrection from the dead, by His power over hell and death… and the triumph of truth and Eternal life!” The Savior has risen – and nothing can shake our faith in the goodness of God, hope for salvation, and love for each other. The light of Christ’s Resurrection fills every person’s life with meaning, creates the foundation for every good desire, plan and undertaking.The Lord was pleased to reveal His truth to us. He condescends every time to our infirmities and gives a new testimony of His being, and the reality of His victorious Resurrection. Every Easter we rejoice and rejoice with renewed vigor. No matter how callous and cold our heart may be on the holy days of Great Friday, on the Blessed Saturday, – it experiences a feeling of joy on the holy and radiant Easter night and on all subsequent Easter days, which the Lord gives us in His mercy. This is the main proof for all of us that Christ really rose from the dead, that He really conquered sin and evil, that He really gave us eternal life.Dear fathers, brothers and sisters! Again and again, with great joy, I congratulate you on this holiday – Holy Easter!In festive rejoicing, I prayerfully wish all of you, the beloved flock of the Philippines and Vietnam, the mercy and help of God, success in the work of building parish communities and missionary preaching in the vastness of Southeast Asia, family peace and happiness. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the mercy of the Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary be with you all!Again and again I address to all of you, my dear ones, the hymn of eternal life and joy: Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!