Divine Liturgy on Sunday, August 25, at the parish of Nativity of Christ in Tagaytay
Крещение в Ханое
In Hanoi, in the church in honor of Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, on Sunday, August 25, after the Divine Liturgy, the sacrament of holy Baptism was performed over a Vietnamese woman. She was baptized with the name Xenia, whom she so greatly reveres, having previously studied her life! Xenia prepared for the sacrament of Baptism for about a year. After baptism, Xenia received Holy Communion for the first time. May God grant her strong faith and prayer, long years of life in the Orthodox faith!
Докторское звание
Metropolitan Pavel of Manila and Hanoi awarded the title of Doctor of the Russian Engineering Academy. Metropolitan Pavel met in Moscow with the President of the Russian and International Engineering Academies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Boris Gusev. Boris Vladimirovich informed Metropolitan Pavel of the decision of the Engineering Academy and the International Academic Accreditation and Attestation Committee to award the professional international diploma of Doctor of Theology and presented the archpastor with the diploma. The diploma was granted in recognition of his high educational and professional level, as well as his significant contribution to the revival, preservation, development and enrichment of culture with Orthodox Christian values. In turn, the Bishop noted the high professionalism and work of the President Boris Gusev with the medal “Saint Nektarios” of the 1st degree, the First Vice-President and Chief Scientific Secretary of the Russian Engineering Academy, Doctor of Information Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences Leonid Ivanov with the medal “Saint Nektarios” of the 1st degree, the Vice-President of the Russian Engineering Academy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, Honored Engineer of Russia Dmitry Baksheev with the medal “Saint Nektarios” of the 1st degree, the President of the International Academic Accreditation Certification Committee, member of the Presidium of the Russian Engineering Academy, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Tatyana Sergeeva with the medal “Consolation and Comfort” of the 1st degree. Metropolitan Pavel also took part in a working meeting at the Russian Engineering Academy, during which a concept for joint service in the Russian Federation and abroad was developed.
Фавор и Ермон о Имени Твоем возрадуются!
On August 19, on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, the secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese, Hieromonk Cornelius (Molev), together with all the clergy of the General Santos Deanery, led the Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in the village of Polomolok.
Праздник в Нячанге
Transfiguration of Our Lord in Na Trang (Vietnam) was prayfully met by 36 people. After the Divine Liturgy and blessing of the fruits, a spiritual conversation with agape took place
Свет Христов да просветит всех!
The Feast at the parish of the Iveron icon of the Mother of God in Manila
Divine Liturgy on the feast of Transfiguration of Our Lord at the parish of St Matrona of Moscow was served by Hieromonk John (Gondayao)
Воскресная служба в Кинабалане
7th Sunday after Pentecost at the parish of St Apostle Thomas
Успение прав. Анны
August 7 is the feast of the Dormition of the Righteous Anna, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. Divine Liturgy on the patronal feast at the Parish of the Holy Righteous Anna, Malibatuan, Cotabato, was headed by the Secretary of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese Hieromonk Korniliy (Molev) and the clergy of the diocese.
Праздник св. Марии Магдалины
Divine Liturgy on the 6th Sunday after Pentecost, commemoration of St Equal-to-the-Apostle Mary Magdalene at the parish of St Matrona of Moscow in Davao