Archpastoral ministry

Pavel Metropolitan of Manila and Hanoi, ordained Deacon Roman Buniel, the clergyman of the Philippines and Vietnam diocese, to the priesthood

The 21st of September 2019

On the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, His Eminence Pavel, Metropolitan of Manila and Hanoi during the Divine Liturgy, ordained Deacon Moses Kakhilig to the priesthood. The next day, His Eminence also ordained Deacon Roman Buniel to the priesthood.

“Today I would like to greet the fathers of Moses and Roman, our Filipino clergy. Yesterday, Father Moses accepted the priesthood, today is Father Roman. They will carry the word of God among their flock. It will not be easy for them, but the flock awaits them and hopes that they will lead them to salvation.

I am very glad that the will of God is being accomplished, and as a obedient of the Church of God, I am doing this spiritual feeding for both the Philippines and Vietnam. You know that I have been entrusted by the Holy Synod to manage the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese, and here are the first shoots, the first clergy who will preach about Orthodoxy in the Philippine land.

I think that for them it is a special day in their life, to be here in the northern region, after the warm Philippines, where almost all year round plus 30 degrees. I sincerely congratulate you, I wish you strength of strength, God’s help, and of course, the Queen of Heaven, who would help you in your priestly ministry.

It is impossible to serve God without serving the neighbor, o, the way to the Lord is only through the neighbor, and for the clergyman this is a special work, a special service.

I hope that the Lord will give you the strength to preach about holy Orthodoxy, of our Catholic Orthodox Church, which was created by the Lord Himself. May the All-Merciful Lord help you in your ministry, may God’s blessing come with you! God bless all! ” – Said the Metropolitan in a parting word. We sincerely congratulate the fathers of Moses and Roman!

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