Archpastoral ministry

Under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Pavel of Manila and Hanoi, a Diocesan meeting of the clergy and laity of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese was held

On February 22, 2020, after the divine Liturgy, in the church in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov (Makalangot, Mindanao, Republic of the Philippines) a Diocesan meeting of the clergy and laity of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese was held under the chairmanship of Metropolitan Pavel of Manila and Hanoi.

Metropolitan Pavel made a report summarizing the results of the work of The Philippine-Vietnamese diocese for 2019.

To date, it consists of 33 parishes and 11 prayer rooms. In 2019, 125 baptisms were performed, including 13 babies, 18 weddings, and 6 funerals. Every week, the divine Liturgy is celebrated in 6 parishes of the diocese. The Administrator of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese, Metropolitan Pavel of Manila and Hanoi, visited the diocese 2 times in 2019 – in August and October, performing 5 Divine Liturgies and 8 prayers.

During the meeting, the members of the Diocesan Council were elected. By the decision of the meeting, the diocese’s Confessor was elected priest Siluan Thompson, and the chairmen of the diocesan departments were appointed.

The information Department of the Philippine-Vietnamese diocese will be headed by hieromonk Alexei (Lapshin), the religious education and catechization Department by hieromonk Cornelius (Molev), the social service and charity Department by priest David Grubbs, and the missionary Department by priest Moses Kahilig.

The Philippine-Vietnamese diocese has 5 deaneries: Manila, Davao, General Santos,  Davao del Sur and Vietnam.

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