Archpastoral ministry

Happy Day of Angel!

Congratulations from the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese.

Your Eminence! Dear Vladyka!

We congratulate you on the Day of the Heavenly Patron Saint — St. Pavel of Komel!

By God’s Providence, several large dioceses in different countries of the world are under your control at the same time, and you find time for everyone, without forgetting anyone! Despite your love of solitary prayer, you never refuse spiritual comfort and guidance. Imitating St. Paul of Komel, you pay special attention to the works of mercy to the poor and the suffering, and by word and deed teaching this to your flock.

And today, turning to the intercession of St. Paul, we especially ask the Lord to grant you strength in carrying out difficult obediences, cheerfulness of spirit, true joy in Christ and many and good summers!

With love and prayer,

clergy and flock of the Philippine-Vietnamese Diocese.

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